Survey Sticksynth  (Oct 2020)
I would like to thank all the participants for the valuable information collected.
To each question, I include the answer that I found most interesting or repeated.
01 - Are you stickist ? 
Yes 57,14%
Not 42,86% ( guitarist & bass players )
A significant percentage are not stickist. 
But they visit the web for interest in the instrument.

02 - Did you know this web magazine ?
Yes 100%
Taking into account an average of 1600 different visitors 
each update makes the 100% answered credible.

03 - Overall assessment of the web (0= very bad / 5= acceptable )
Website rating : 4,71
An excellent valuation

04 - What do you consider the worst ?
Not all is in English
Fortunately, browsers have their own real-time translators.
I consider those articles written in the author's natural language
very valuable because they are written "in his own words". 
After I try to add the others versions that I can contribute.

05 - What you like the most ?
Collaborations & concert reviews
They are the two most worked sections. Convincing, not to mention seducing,
a collaborator is not easy. First that the collaborator has free time to write
the texts. That he finds the topic to be discussed and is able to carry it out.
Many collaborators consider the question as something very difficult. And they
are partly right. For this reason, I always propose that they present the article 
as a conversation between friends and written in the first person. 
Then, in consensus, we model the photos and videos. As for the concerts.
The possibility  of being able to travel to the place of the concert implies up to 
days in case of distant cities. The cost of the trip. And the difficulties that  always 
arise with the staff of the concert hall to be able to make an attractive and
realistic graphic chronicle. Two great challenges

06 What is missing and would you like to read in?
Discover musicians who plays the Chapman stick in the world,
Tutorials , Lessons , Music score for tapping instruments
I agree. But publishing educational material as lessons or transcripts
means paying royalties. Which at the moment I do not consider.


07 - Do you consider the current format valid or
would you prefer a change to current trends?
In favor of keeping the current format 71,43%
In favor for a new format 28,57%
The percentage indicates that the content, the information, is valued
above the aesthetic appreciation of the web. I am not unaware that
format trends change. I have used a format from the last century for
nostalgic romanticism. In future. I will consider the alternatives.


Winners of a stompbox
Boaz Bar Levy ( Israel )
Rodrigo Serrão ( Portugal )
Guillermo Cides ( Argentina )
Jesús Ruiz ( España )
Machy Madco ( Argentina )
Marcelo Cides ( Argentina )
Mauricio Manchón ( Argentina )