Actualizado  enero 2021
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New CD Release: Music of Israelites and Jews of Africa and Asia
The CD Music of Israelites and Jews of Africa and Asia is the result of Irene Orleansky's  fascinating two-year
journey through Africa and Asia. Equipped with a mobile studio, Irene visited nine Israelite and Jewish communities sometimes
at distant and dangerous places to record music with the communities' artists. 
The story of the lost tribes started in the 7th century BC in the lands of Aramea and the Kingdom of Israel when the Assyrians
invaded the Northern lands and deported ten Israelite tribes of the Northern Kingdom, thus starting the longest exile in the history
of mankind. For many centuries those tribes were considered lost, until the last centuries, when technological developments in
transport and communication revealed what had been previously hidden. 
The Ethiopian Jews of the tribe of Dan made an epic return when Israel airlifted them in Operation Moses in 1984 and Operation
Solomon in 1991; Bene Israel of India, supposedly of the tribe of Zebulon, returned to Israel between 1948 and 1969. Right now
thousands of Bnei Menashe are coming back home from North-Eastern India and Burma. Still there are thousands of descendants
of the lost tribes of Israel who remain in the lands of their exile and thousands more to be rediscovered yet. In her journey, Irene
was privileged to witness and actively participate in fulfilling the Biblical prophecy, the return of the lost tribes of Israel,  and to
discover unique  music and culture of her long lost brothers and sisters.
While traveling, Irene saw hardship, poverty and discrimination that many of the Jewish communities in Africa and Asia encounter
in their daily lives, and decided to turn it into a charity project to raise funds to support those communities in need.
There is a number of artists who agreed to contribute by adding their instruments to the songs that Irene recorded:  Tony Levin
of the USA, the bass/stick player for Peter Gabriel, King Crimson, Seal, Lou Reed, Dire Straits etc., Virginia Splendore of Italy,
may her memory be blessed, one of the world best stick players and a talented fretless bass player with whom Irene had long and
fruitful collaboration, Jerry Marotta, the drummer of Peter Gabriel, Indigo Girls, Tears For Fears, Suzanne Vega etc., Don Schiff
of the USA, a stick and bass player for Elvis Presley, Tina Turner, Sheryl Crow etc.,  Reuven Ben Chanan of Israel , an innovative
klezmer violin player, and others.
Irene's voice and all the three of her sticks can be heard throughout the CD.  The music of the CD  is full of unusual instrument 
combinations, such as the  bamboo Chapman Stick and the Chinese gou zheng, the NS/stick and the Indian veena, the electric
upright bass and  the Manipuri goshem and lhemlhei, the stick and the Ehtiopian krar.
All the music of the CD was recorded on the field and arranged by Irene Orleansky, mixed by Irene's life long friend and music
partner Kirill Malahov at Music Brothers Records  in Russia, and mastered by Donal Whelan at Mastering World in UK.


Actualizado enero 2021
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